Oh..I see 3 plus million shares...31k. Youre right, I have my head up my ass again. I bet you love to be there too.
Small revenue...what I saw in the 10Q was ZERO revenue. Why am I asking the question. For about 3 years of dore bar producing and only showing 28k in those three years. Where are all the dorebars? mmmmmmmmmm
I have been hearing this Allen Simon crap since the shareholders meeting in September. We are nearly in June...where is Allen Simon?
As I have I said...I am done with the bait tactics. Next 10Q...lets see what the revs are. Lets see how much more dilution there is. In the next few weeks..lets see the money. So far...I have my head up my ass and don't see the money. Only thing I see is 1 cent a share and people claiming thievery by the shorters but I don't see any SEC investigations on those people.
Cheerleading is over until I see something that is worth cheerleading over.