I am reading the press releases and the reports at the best of my ability.
I still want dore audits by an independent firm of what is coming out of the mill to the refiner and what we are making from the sales of gold at the end. We are all company owners as shareholders. We want returns in our investments and a 3rd independent party confirming those returns. JMHO ~~
I have stated in previous posts..I have been a critic of criticizing the CEO because of share price collapse, self rewards, dilution and what really got my goat....Why didn't PQ have a lawyer represent the company when Bill Earl was suing SFMI in court?
The rumor mill is the rumor mill until I see something show up in a press release. Today, validated the rumors that have been circulating around the last few weeks.
Something very positive is happening with strong hands coming into the picture. Both Spiny and I conclude both GHDC and SFMI are interconnected with the new unknown entity.
I am feeling good about SFMI today...Last Friday, I was sitting on my hands because it was all rumors and nothing in writing. Today's PR confirmed the rumors were true.