China .... Canada ... Chinese Canadian connection?
Am very pumped about the upcoming Fall gold 'fashions' ... a must need for all 'avante gold' junkies. The bottom is in as of early July and the tide has just started rising in a very disarming way. But we all know that. JP Morgue is sporting a wry grin exposing a golden tooth some say.
Will PQ look the golden gift horse in the mouth or get real? 'Noli equi dentes inspicere donati' ... which basically says that one should not inspect the teeth (to assess the age/value) of a horse that has been given away. Will pride goeth before a final fall? Does PQ see a Trojan horse or real one? The 'buyers' know what's in War Eagle. PQ knows what's in War Eagle. What's a tank of gas worth when you're clean out of gas? Gawd, I hope that man can get over himself.