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Message: New To Board-Bought Some SFMI-Q on GHDC vs SFMI

Hey everyone

I am new to the boards here. I found this place on google as I was checking the stock price on SFMI. A few years ago I was interested in buying some shares of this stock since I think the big money will be made on jr miners more than the physical metal (which I own some as well)

I rememebered the price of SFMI to be around .08 to .12 per share and after checking the price I was shocked to see the price at .0024! I read at I-SCUM from Goldlands (my favorite poster there as most others have terrible sarcastic humor and negative) and here from a various posters like Green Hornet/BOUTS/Carmine/pic etc and was convinced that the train was about to leave and didnt want to miss out.

I liked SFMI basically the same reasons why most people like it, the mountain. Tons of potential there.

I placed my order a few days ago at .002 and was shocked to see that the same stock I wanted to buy years ago for around .12 I could purchase now for a fraction of that. I know, I know...Ive heard about dilution and that the stock value cant ever return to its highs again but I think this stock has plenty of potential to be a grand slam.

Ive heard BOUTS prediction of .03-.05 short term to .07 to 08 more longerish term. That has got me excited. Anyone here think its possible that it can go much higher like surpassing its .46 high (i forgot the exact number) especially after a complete overhaul on Managament, funding, BOD, etc has been put in place? Also Gold is shooting up as it is headed towards $1350 and silver has beaten the $21.50 resistance with ease.

What if Gold is $1600? Or around $2000? What will the share price be once confidence is fully restored with SFMI for sure?

Which brings me to my next point.

I was close to pulling the trigger with GHDC since I think this stock has HUGE potential and was about to jump on that train, but at least IMO, at .002...SFMI seems like the better deal. I will buy a bit more stock next week (that is unless the R/S doesnt occur on GHDC and my ass misses the boat) and may get some GHDC but I just feel at these super low prices that SFMI is the better deal.

Anyways, regardless......Im in the CLUB!!!

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