One of the primary purposes of a 43-101 is to get financing. It's like getting an appraisal if you want to get a mortgage, something the banks simply require because they can't judge the value of your house otherwise. Historical information probably won't get financing from a bank because it doesn't fit their rules. However other sources that can evaluate the historical data may not care. A major mining company will have in house geos who can evaluate the WEM historical data (which in fact does include some modern drill results, just pre-43-101 standard). A major would be able to judge whether they wanted in on WEM with just the existing data, though more results might up the price. Same with the Canadians, who I am sure brought in their own geos and consultants to evaluate things before deciding to work w/ SFMI. So we don't NEED a 43-101 with drill results and proven reserves to get financing or instigate a buyout, it just makes it easier.