Welcome To The Silver Standard Resources HUB On AGORACOM

SSO on the TSX, SSRI on the NASDAQ

Message: gata interviewed by king world news

  1. more than 24,000 alias posts were created from within Agoracom on client and non-client hubs;
  2. more than 670 alias user names were created by representatives of Agoracom and used on client and non-client hubs;
  3. alias posts originated from Tsiolis’ residence; and
  4. posts by Agoracom representatives, using their aliases, were promotional and promoted purchasing and/or holding stock.

i don't think that is any way to run a business, but all in all, i still think this is the best financial forum around. and for what it's worth, at least we know there aren't any agoracom aliases posting in the SSO forum. we have so little traffic here that we can be sure this hub is clean.

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