Message: Silverado - The Chart is Looking UP!!!

Silverado - The Chart is Looking UP!!!

posted on Oct 31, 2007 05:07PM
Written by Matt Blackman
Wednesday, 31 October 2007


The Chart is Looking Up

By Matt Blackman

No matter what your approach to stock analysis, one thing is clear. Nothing is a better leading indicator than stock price to the trader. They may have a point. How many times have you noticed that by the time you get a company release announcing positive earnings news, it is already reflected in the stock price? Call it the wisdom of the market. For this reason, technical traders and analysts prefer to let the price of a stock do the talking. Directional cues are provided by price patterns that like footprints on the trail to the eye of a trained tracker, impart valuable clues about what may lie ahead.

Silverado (OTCBB - SLGLF) had a good run when it surged more than 220% last October from $0.049 to $0.157 in April 2007. It then spent the next five months jigging lower before putting in a bottom of $0.067 in August. Since then however, the stock has been pushing slowly but steadily higher.

In the process, it put in a price-volume support base between $0.07 and $0.08 together with a series of higher lows and higher highs that indicate an up trend. This base occurred on lower than average volume which while typical of a consolidation pattern, has positive technical implications for the stock. Over the last 50 days, daily volume has averaged 2.4 million shares. This compares to an average daily volume of 6.2 million shares in early March as the stock approached its April peak.

Figure 1 – Daily chart of Silverado showing bottoming of the stock at $0.067 in August 2007 and recent uptrend through October. Trend line (blue) shows the low in October 2006 and support in August through October 2007. Positives include strong-price volume support between $0.07 and $0.08 (blue and magenta lines) and a bullish catapult or ‘W’ pattern (orange) that began forming in late July 2007. Chart provided by

According to the latest data on short sales from, the October monthly SqueezeTrigger price (average price at which shorter traders sold the stock) was $0.0762. As the stock moves above this price, motivation to buy the stock by short sellers to cover their positions increases, thereby providing further upward price pressure. As the price approaches the long-term SqueezeTrigger price of $0.099, there will be increasing pressure on short sellers to cover. A short squeeze is said to occur when buying pressure increases during a rally in effect ‘squeezing’ short sellers to pay increasingly higher prices to close and exit their positions. While bad news for shorts, it provides extra lift to stock price. For more information on the SqueezeTrigger please refer to the October 31, 2007 Silverado report at or

In the process of recovering, the stock is also putting in what technicians call a bullish ‘W’ or catapult pattern. In essence, this is a zigzag pattern in which the stock moves higher in stairstep-like fashion (see Figure 1). Another positive indication is that the lows in the W pattern are supported by the positive trend line (blue line in Figure 1). A steady increase in volume on price rises would be confirmation that the trend is gaining momentum.

In summary, there are both price and volume indications that buyers are buying SLGLF. From a technical perspective, caution and an exit of the stock should be considered if the stock were to break price-volume support at $0.07 on heavy volume.

About Silverado

Silverado is an international company focused on gold and a new environmentally friendly fuel technology. Silverado has gold properties located throughout Alaska which include the 100% owned Nolan Placer Gold Mine. Silverado is also entering the construction phase of an environmentally friendly low cost strategic fuel demonstration facility. Silverado's Green Fuel will be produced from low-rank coal and turned into a environmentally friendly oil substitute. Silverado Green Fuel Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of its publicly traded parent, Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. For more information about Silverado Green Fuel Inc., please visit and the parent public corporation,

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All material herein was prepared by TRADESYSTEMGURU.COM, based upon information believed to be reliable. The information contained herein is not guaranteed by TRADESYSTEMGURU.COM to be accurate, and should not be considered to be all-inclusive. The companies that are discussed in this opinion have not approved the statements made in this opinion. SCC Management, Corp. paid $500.00 to produce this report on behalf of Silverado Gold Mines and/or Silverado Green Fuel Inc. This opinion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. TRADESYSTEMGURU.COM is not a licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, investment banker, investment advisor, analyst or underwriter. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities viewed on or mentioned herein. TRADESYSTEMGURU.COM does not and will not offer any opinion as to when others should sell; each investor must make that decision based on his or her judgment of the market. TRADESYSTEMGURU.COM and/or its owners do not own shares in Silverado.

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For more information on this report or with technical charting questions contact:

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