Message: Re: Volcanic Eruption expected sometime this month!

Re: Volcanic Eruption expected sometime this month!

posted on Nov 03, 2007 02:23PM

Hi Cooky. What do you make of this post from the other board by coldfoot.

This reads as a bald faced lie to me:

I know the area well that they core drilled this fall. Know the guy they bought the claim from. A few small(1"-2") veinlets of stibnite showing on the surface. That structure has been dug at for 50 years by different folks. Very little gold-high sulfide stibnite-loaded with arsenic. Very nasty stuff-getting a permit to commercially mine and process the ore would take years. They only have permits for placer-It's possible they can get a hardrock permit for exploritory mining, but it will be strickly monitored and no water will be allowed to be released. As soon as they hit an underground aquifer-they will have to stop until they can construct containment.

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