Message: disappointed

Board, do NOT (please) get me wrong. 

First, I have only studied parts of Warrick Wilson's process.  I do know that (obviously) the fuel we will make will produce CO2 when burned, there is no way around that.  This is not the issue.

The good thing about the SLGLF process, and anyone correct me if I am wrong, is that the hydrothermal process itself does in fact produce fugative CO2 (prior to combustion use as fuel) that must be captured and sequestered.  Without sequestration as part of the SLGLF  hydrothermal treratment process, we would produce additional CO2 beyond that CO2 due to combustion (basic oxidation).

Comments and corrections are welcome. 

I plan to totally digest the complete process over the coming weeks, as I am a 26 year experienced Chemical Engineer in multiple industries including projects involving the Fisher-Tropes process to convert coal to liquids.

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