Message: The Lemmings of the Gold Market - Jim Sinclair

The Lemmings of the Gold Market - Jim Sinclair

posted on Nov 30, 2007 01:42PM

If we are wise, let us prepare for the worst. -- President George Washington (1732-1799)

Posted On: Friday, November 30, 2007, 4:24:00 PM EST

The Lemmings Of The Gold Market

Author: Jim Sinclair

Paulson To Save The World Credit Markets:

This is what you have to believe if you are throwing your gold out the window and loading up on dollars. It amazes me that so-so many of you are still sending me that Goldman gold forecast as if you were terrorized by their bearishness. This is the typical buy strength, sell weakness absolute nonsense that many of you subscribe to.

Paulson cannot make lenders happy with creditors. Paulson cannot revive the corporate paper market. Paulson cannot make housing starts move up. Paulson is meeting with banking institutions, many of which are themselves on the rocks, seeking a SPIN fix for a very small part of the mortgage market.

There is one thing Paulson can do. That accomplishment that is already visible is run the lemmings off a cliff. Both Gold and Gold shares are buys in this BS weakness based on a BS save by Paulson of all thing wrong with the economic world.

Sometimes I wonder why I make such an effort when so many of you just throw the Formula into the ocean and deluge me with that damn Goldman report which means nothing whatsoever. Who made Goldman the last word in Gold?

A CIGA told me today I was trying to herd cats. I guess what he meant was there are many out there that act simply as a bunch pussies.

Remember a week ago all the talk about buying gold on reaction? Where did that all go except among those mad men like myself, Trader Dan and Monty. I will for the first time say I am frustrated by how fast many of you run away.

Oh save me from Gold, Goldman is a Gold bear. Oh save me from Gold, Paulson is going to fix trillions in melting derivative as well as stopping the mortgage problem from smothering the entire world economy. Oh save me from Gold the dollar is looking a wee bit better. Madness is the only word to describe where many of your reasoning has gone.

To the bunch of raving pussies, put your money in the rock banks, load up on dollars, increase your deposits with Internet financial entities, buy financial and homebuilding entities, go long Fanny and Freddie and of course buy all the securitized debt you can find. Now how calm do you feel?

This is all going to change with the dollar as its little rally falls flat. Gold will rise faster than it fell. Good precious metals shares will gap up, leaving the sold out bulls (the most viscous Bear on earth) sucking their thumbs.

I honestly believe that this is the worst brain fart I have seen in the gold community since $248 and I have seen some real bouts of cranium flatulence since we all got together.

Get hold of yourself. Nothing is going to be fixed. The dollar is shot. Gold is going to $1050 followed by $1650. Gold shares are going up by orders of magnitude. You are the sold out bull and the sold out bull rarely gets back in until he/she buys the next top.

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