Message: Coal Derived Liquid Fuels

Coal Derived Liquid Fuels

posted on Dec 11, 2007 02:44PM
Coal-Derived Liquid Fuels

Future applications for methanol from coal could be to serve as a replacement for petroleum in transportation applications, a peaking fuel in combustion turbines at gasification combined cycle power plants, a fuel which could be used in remote locations -- such as a hydrogen source for small fuel cells -- or as a chemical feedstock.Coal-derived methanol, free of sulfur and other impurities, can be used for producing MTBE, an octane improving additive for reformulated gasoline. However, due to recent concerns regarding MTBE's impact on groundwater supplies, this octane additive is being phased out in many states.

Did you know?

  • Coal is currently available in abundant quantities within the United States, which would consequently reduce our dependence on foreign oil imports. Bituminous coal, the most abundant type of coal in the United States, is currently being used in the research project.

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