Message: Many Presidential Candidates support Coal-to-Liquid Fuel

Many Presidential Candidates support Coal-to-Liquid Fuel

posted on Feb 11, 2008 02:26PM

Many presidential candidates support coal-to-liquid fuel

Posted Jan 8th 2008 5:15PM by Sebastian Blanco
Filed under: Coal to Liquid, USA

American news outlets are certainly full of updates from the voting in New Hampshire today, where the second first presidential primary in the 2008 U.S. election is taking place (UPDATE courtesy of J Jones: Iowa had a caucus, not a primary). Out in Vancouver, British Columbia, Silverado Green Fuel thought that today would be a good time to remind everyone about where the candidates stand on coal-to-liquid fuel (CTL). The company has released a collection of pro-CTL quotes from four presidential candidates (Barrack Obama, Mike Huckabee, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney) and Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller. You can find those quotes in full after the jump.

It's not just some of the leading candidates for president who like CTL. The 2007 Energy Bill that passed in December includes $2.2 billion in tax incentives for clean coal technology applications, something that Silverado's President and CEO Garry Anselmo says means Silverado "is in the right place, and at the right time. [...] Silverado Green Fuel uses low rank coal. America has centuries of domestic supply of low rank coal, an underutilized energy resource." American politicians might be in favor, but China has had second thoughts about CTL.

[Source: Silverado Green Fuel Inc.]

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