Message: Re: With All Financing in Place, Silverado to Lanch $5mill Nolan Creek 2008 Explorat

Re: With All Financing in Place, Silverado to Lanch $5mill Nolan Creek 2008 Explorat

posted on Feb 14, 2008 02:03PM
Soloman Shear & Fortress Zones have incredible promise for Silverado to be investing another $5 M for further exploration this year. This is in addition to the $1M Front end loader which should arrive shortly. Sounds like we can have some production occurring while further exploration & definition of concentrated lode zones occur. We must have a world class gold/antimony site on this 12 sq. mile property, altho' most investors want to see hard core assay results -- our patience is being tested to say the least, but we will perserve to reap the future rewards! Will be interesting to see the forthcoming Bundzten Report -- an independeant analysis by an experienced professional who is highly respected.
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