Message: Massive Mistake by David Baines & associated bashers!

Massive Mistake by David Baines & associated bashers!

posted on Feb 18, 2008 07:24AM

David Baines' action Friday & Saturday will come back to haunt him & any associated bashers in spades. I'm sure Silverado is planning to repond in many ways to expose just how fraudulent this group really is.

No one denies that price wise Silverado is at the bottom right now. Furthermore no one denies they have been running losses for many years. On the other side of the coin, by to-day's costs it would entail upwards of $1 B to set up the infrastructures & progress made on the Nolan property alone. Silverado has done all this to date for less than $ 100 M. Stay tuned, the best is yet to come for those who steadfastly stay the course. The bashers are extremely desperate & the last few days have proven it beyond a doubt! They have reason now to be afraid!

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