Message: CIBC's Jeff Reubin Predicts $150/barrel oil within 4 yrs.- Silverado looks good

Re: CIBC's Jeff Reubin Predicts $150/barrel oil within 4 yrs.- Silverado looks

posted on Mar 05, 2008 05:52PM

My favorite drink, rye & coke.

I raised 8 kids (not all my own) and even though they are on their own I worry when I see them struggle from time to time. They were smart enough to not get caught up in the ARM mess and bought modest homes but even so, the heating bills are increasing at an alarming rate. They are raising children of their own now and I can't imagine what it is going to be like by the time they are grown. One of my sons just paid over $1,000 for 30 days worth of oil for his little 4 room apartment and he keeps his thermostat at 64. How cold should we be? How cold should that single mom keep her house so she can pay the bill? How cold does a politician keep his/her house?

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