Message: Garry has Already WON the War for Silverado Gold

Garry has Already WON the War for Silverado Gold

posted on Mar 06, 2008 06:22AM

Silverado Gold has no hedge on their Gold or Antimony products.
Silverado Gold already has all their infrastructure in place and paid for so the company doesn't need to hedge their Gold-Antimony products.

Novagold on the other hand, is a perfect example of Juniors today faced with run away infrastructure inflation costs.
Novagold is caught in a liquidity squeeze and is considering hedging their copper from the Galore Creek property to finance the $5 billion needed to build an infrastructure in order to bring that property into production.

"Silverado's Nolan property includes infrastructure built, and paid for, including a 24 person accommodation, machine shop, heavy equipment and maintenance facilities. With all permits in place, Silverado has recently invested $ 1 million for specialized underground exploration and mining equipment. Further underground exploration of the Workman's and possibly Pringle Benches will be dependant on completion of current assays combined with the assay data gained from this spring and summer's drilling program as well as full channel samples to be cut in the Workman's Bench mineralized zone upon commencement of the drill program. Silverado had already discovered 93- 97% pure gold nuggets in these areas."

"Silverado's 12 square mile, 100% owned Nolan property has yielded over $15 million in gold! This was produced during test activities only. "

Garyy has Already WON the War !!!

The Grim Reaper



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