Message: Re: Alaska's largest Gold Nuggets: - Silverado will break new records

Re: Alaska's largest Gold Nuggets: - Silverado will break new records

posted on Apr 11, 2008 08:18PM

 Silverado has been around a lot longer than most people realize. Many do not know that it was a $10 stock at one time.

 Mr. Baines is a hack. I wrote him about his article slamming Silverado and his reply was Zero.

  I also wrote the Governor of Mississippi about the Akerman site and the lack of progress after all of the bells and whistles ceremony they put on the Silverado news article last year, again, no response. I went to the site personally, and saw first hand, no progress at the site. All that was on the site was a few marking flags and grass.

 I too, am in the SLGLF stock for the green fuel project aspect. You would think with the importance of building an operational alternate fuel facility, there would be enough private sector investors to fund such a program if it were so viable, but that doesn't seem to be the case, and fortunately, Silverado is not alone on that point, as other supposedly operating plants are not big news items nor are their shares sky rocketing in price. Gold will not be what will send the share price of Silverado back over the 25 cent mark, it will be the Green fuel project in operation, I believe. Is the Nolan site going to produce 500,000 ounces a year in gold? No one knows that one....yet. How much would that raise the share prices? With over 900,000,000 outstanding, I thinking it wouldn't be very much.

 I'm a patient person. And like I said before, I remember Silverado at over $10 a share..... maybe history will repeat.




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