Message: Cooky and Fastfoot are you guys going to the shareholder's meet.

Hi Azcats. Thanks so much for your comments. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend due to work obligations, but I certainly want to have some impact even if it is indirectly. Can't wait till we see the meeting agenda. Glad Cooky can attend - she will be a great plus! The clock seems to be ticking now & the more I read I'm convinced both gold & silver will be greatly treasured in 2009. Gold altho' hammered right now will rise beyond our expectations when the U.S. dollar takes its turn at getting battered. We can't print money forever - how much good have the bailouts done so far? Have you ever heard so many people complaining as we have in the last month? Credit is drying up & suddenly people are afraid to spend. SAVING cash is a new theme as well as reducing debt! Retired people are really scared.

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