Message: Silverado's Biggest Problem

Re: Silverado's Biggest Problem

posted on Jan 27, 2009 12:08PM

Here is a thought...

If Silverado is able to take some of the ore from the ground and it is available to sell, why should they put it for sale at this time?

I mean with all the talk over the last few months that gold prices could rise as high as $2,000/oz. why would you want to offer it for the current ~$900 unless you really need the cash now. They have held on for this long, perhaps they feel they can hold on another month or so until the price of gold goes higher.

It does not appear that there will be a shortage of buyers based on the discussions that all over the world gold coin production is hurting, governments are buying up all the gold they can, China is running out of the ability to mine their gold, etc.

With all of the exploration, they had to pull some gold out of the ground...where is it? Hopefully it is in a warehouse waiting for the magical day that it is worth 2x what it is today.

Perhaps I am simplifying the situation to much.

As for the Fuel project, I really really want this to take off. I hope that this does not get pushed to the back burner because the oil companies have dropped their prices. We have seen this in the past. The last time oil prices rose to a level that the general public cried out, and we had many breakthroughs in technology for alternate transportation methods, they dropped the prices back down and "poof" no one was focused on the electric cars, solar powered cars any longer. What if we continued to push for this when it happened 20 years ago? Would we all be driving around in a electric car or some other alternate?

less than 4 months ago, I would hear the price of oil per barrel every day on the news. Because the prices have dropped, this is no longer the case, so the public eye is diverted elsewhere.

There is so much potential in silverado that it is mind bogling to imagine if all of the pieces of the puzzle come together what they could be worth.

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