Message: Silverado Gold's Future Looks Bright

Silverado Gold's Future Looks Bright

posted on Mar 13, 2009 06:18AM

From all the recent articles that I have been reading, I've come to the conclusion that Silverado Gold has an oppurtunity to cashin big time on the current Gold prices, once they go into production. CONFIDANCE has not been restored to the world credit markets and world Gold production has peaked while world demand for physical gold grows which confirms that the current gold bull market could last another 10 years.

With todays current prices, Silverado Gold's overhead cost for production could be very low, fuel prices have fallen which is a big part of any mine production bill. The price for dry bulk shipping has collapsed which will allow Silverado to ship their ore to a processing smelter plant for allot less bucks. The company infrustructure is paid for and they can use their current equipment to process and seperate waste from the Gold-Antimony ore.

Silverado will not need to invest in a $2 Billon dollar processing plant inorder to start miining the 4 massive Gold-Antimony Veins they have discovered at Workmans Bench. They can build that giant processing plant down the road to increase production after they make mucho bucks !!

Bottom line, this converts to ... MORE MONEY IN THE BANK !!! THE GRIM REAPER

1) World gold production has peaked according to John Embre during a Q & A Session. Here is an excerpt....

Andrew Mickey: As far as gold supply, there is one period in the world gold supply where gold production kind of crested around 2007 or 2008. Are we facing a “Peak Gold” kind of situation?

John Embry: Yeah, we have most assuredly crested in terms of mine supply without question.

Andrew Mickey: So, when you look at five, ten years out…let’s say in a world where gold is $2000 or $3000 or higher, how much more gold can realistically be produced in a year?

John Embry: Zero, I think. In fact, I think you probably need a lot more lead time - maybe five to ten years.

2) Central Banks are now net buyers of gold.

3) I believe the U.S. Dollar is doomed to die from hyperinflation due to excessive debt and delution!!

Dr. Mark W. Hendrickson reports...

The U.S. Treasury recently released its “2008 Financial Report of the United States Government.” In case you had any doubts, our government’s finances are in a terrible mess. According to the report, under generally accepted accounting principles (the ones that private businesses are required by law to use), Uncle Sam’s total financial liabilities—explicit debts and unfunded obligations—exceed $65 trillion. That’s five times as large as our national GDP—a GDP, by the way, that happens to be shrinking at an alarming rate.

4) Gold could reach $10,000 oz. inorder to restore confidance to world currencies

(excerpt) Just how high could the price of gold go? Really high, according to analyst Daniel Brebner and others at UBS Securities. There is one other possibility UBS raises: what if a new gold standard was adopted to support currencies, particularly the U. S. dollar? Using the current value of the U. S. monetary base and the country's reported gold holdings, UBS calculated gold would need to be at US$6,948 to support the value of the U. S. dollar.

If China and Japan are included, UBS predicted that the price would be close to US$10,000 an ounce.

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