Message: Grim Reaper

If we take position of our Silverado shares, it will effectviely remove them from the market, making it harder for the short sellers to find shares to buy to cover their short position. this will cause the share price to sky rocket when the shorts panic to cover, trying to buy shares at any price before they lose a fortune.

Right now it only takes one day for a short to cover (to find shares to buy) so they aren't worried right now, but say, we all have joined forces to quitely remove our shares from the market place, so when the shorts realize their game is over because Silverado can go into production to mine the 4 massive Gold-Antimony rich veins they have discouvered in Workman's Bench tunnel, the shorts will panic because the game is over and many of thse brokerage houses who have been adding to their short postions over many-many years shorting Silverado stock because they figured that Garry would runout of gold nuggets to mine any year. So the shorts thought this company was the road to their riches so they joined forces short selling the company.

WE ARE SITTING ON A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPURTUNITY TO PUT A HUGE SQUEEZE ON THE SHORT SELLERS LIKE VW AND PORCHE DID TO THE HEDGE FUNDS SHORT SELLING VW STOCK. They took 95% of the stock off the market leaving only 5% of the shares for the shorts to fight over to buy to cover their short sell positions !! VW share price rocketed from $120.00 to 1,,256 EUROS in 3 days of trading !! It has been estamated that those hedge funds shorting VW stock lost over $20 Billion dollars.

If we all join togehter as a force to take our shares off the market place, we can produce the same affect that happend for VW share price. The days for shorts to cover can go from 1 day to maybe 5 days or 10 days, depending how long we all decide not to sell in order to put the mother of all short squeezes on these shorts, to make them pay dearly for their betting against Silverado and thereby making us all very rich, while most of the world is going broke, we would be able to take care of ourselves and our familes.. this is my personnal goal and i hope all of you will join me in this once in a lifetime oppertunity to put the squeeze on these scammers to make them realize they messed with the wrong investors !!

As I have mentioned in previous post, I have most of my shares in a stock cetificate. But I have been taking advantage of these low prices and have been accumulating shares over the past 5 months. Its because of Tom Bundtzen NI43-101 reports that has given the company allot of crediability for the 4 massive Gold-Antimony veins they have found and I believe big money will start pilling into the stock because it is becoming increasingly difficult to find physical gold at the coin shops to buy so folks will turn to gold mining stocks and big money knows this, so they want to be on board first to beat the crowd ! Silverado could wittness their share price sored from 10 cents to $10.00 a share like it did back in the late 70s.

Gold mining stocks will be the rage before we know it.... Silverado hasn't missed the stampede so lets join forces to put the mother of all squeeze on these shorts and take position of our shares right away.

My broker told me it would only take a few days to have my Silverado stock certificate signed back into my account for trade. A few days is no big deal since Silverado Gold comapny has not missed the stampede into gold ming stocks that could last for several years.

The following message is from Jim Sinclairs blog concerning the oppurtunity to put the mother of all squeezes on the shorts to make us all very rich $$$

Jim Sinclair

"Look at the scenario of a company that might go 90% into paper, have outstanding results with gold going to four figures and new interest entering daily.
The management of that company might tell every fund, hedge fund and institution to go jump in the lake to invite a major short into the largest trap ever set.
That management might pray for a short position of major proportions seeing it as a gift from heaven as a meal fit for a king."


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