Message: Price Change Vs Volume

Price Change Vs Volume

posted on Mar 27, 2009 04:42PM

Without going back and collecting exact numbers, the following is close enough to make my point.

We moved from around $0.006 to $0.0095 in a few trading days covering around 30 million shares. Then in one day (today) we moved from around $0.0095 to $0.015 closing at $0.0125 ON LESS TAHN 10% of the aforementioned volume traded at under a cent.

If this is not market maker manipulation then MM manipulation does not exist (IT DOES).

What are they up to? I can find a dozen theories by asking two or three people (I did).

My personal opinion is as follows. The MM's are involved heavily in the trading of the tens of millions of shares sub-1 cent. Now, they are driving the price up to stimulate interest and a further price increase so they can then sell their portion of the 10's of millions of shares they "bought" under a cent for a tidy 25%-50% increase.

I am guessing that the price will go to 1.3 next week and then we will see 5-15 million drive the price down to $0.009-$0.01 over 1-3 days (assuming no news released).

Let's watch and see.....

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