Message: Why the price must move up or S S Silverado takes on water.

Re: Why the price must move up or S S Silverado takes on water.

posted on May 22, 2009 04:02AM

I tell you something, if something isn't brewing in a very very big way right now, we're history. Seriously.

The silence is deafening. Considering what the future expectations are for the company, I am now expecting a hydrogen bomb or two to be dropped any time now. So far, not even a BB gun has been fired.

I expected Garry to go from BB to 0.22, to maybe a 0.357 or 0.38, to 0.44 magnum before moving onto a granade, rocket launcher and so on.

Now, I'm thinking he HAS to go straight the biggest gun in his arsenal.

This entirre year, we've been revealed one piece of the al-mighty to be revealed puzzle: And you know what we see when we flipped over that ONE piece?

A gingantic printing press.

Now, that's OK as long as the rest of the puzzle is revealed very soon and turns out to show new debt financing, drilling, permits, and production mining at Workman's Bench, and ????.

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