Message: Share Price will rise when

Back From Russia

posted on May 31, 2009 04:03AM

Just returned from a Russia business trip, had several pages to catch up on. I see some in-fighting has erupted and then calmed. Everyone getting punchy.

Personally, I've about run out of patience, but I honestly believe, at just the right time.

One can fill their glass of optimism only so many times. It is awful to have to continuously consume your glass and refill it, week after week, month after month and even year after year!

I'm refilling my glass from my personal reservoir once more for this week. Without substantial news this week, I feel I will not have it in me to re-fill the glass myself any longer.

This is June, folks. The company must act now and provide the shareholders a new reservoir of optimism.

If we do not see something this week, then the following week I will begin to plan a trip to Vancouver to personally meet Garry. I have looked into his eyes through video only, spoke to him on the phone several times, but now I need to meet him face to face.

By the way, the 1+ million share trade after close Friday was a sell.

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