Message: Silverado Gold Chart

Silverado Gold Chart

posted on Jun 03, 2009 06:21AM

The accumulation/distribution indicator solid black line over-laid on top of the price chart shows continued buying of Silverado shares. What is really interesting is that the accumulation of shares today has doubled the amount of shares ( shown on a different chart) that were bought back in February 2006, on the Mississippi Green Fuel ground breaking news. It's my personal belief that there is naked short selling going on to suppress the price of the shares so it won't reflect the its true value in order to scare investors away or to sell their shares and to protect the naked short positions from financial demise.

Please Note: The 20 day moving average line still serves as the new price support level.

Please Note: The 20 & 50 day moving average lines are now moving up the chart, closing in on the 200 day moving average line. When the 50 day moving avg. line crosses above the 200 day moving avg. line, they call this "The Golden Crossing" Which indicates a major positve change !!

The chart below was made this morning before trading started.

Jun 03, 2009 06:29AM

Jun 03, 2009 06:41AM
Jun 03, 2009 06:43AM
Jun 03, 2009 06:50AM
Jun 03, 2009 06:57AM
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