Message: Late night TV by Silverado

Yes fastfoot, I know what is possible. I agree with you 100% on everything you said. Its all been coming for over a year now, but most ignore the signs. The mainstreet media always puts a positive spin on everything. I'm not a gloom & doomer, just a realist, and unfortunately I think "you aint seen nothing yet" in regards to the economy, inflation, and possibly even civil unrest. Just look at the state of California......................cutting off entitlements such as medical for AIDS patients, welfare, cuts in education, possibly food stamps, laying off public employees etc. etc. The people are starting to demonstrate, and in some cases there has been near rioting. There are homeless in every alley and under all the bridges. People are losing their homes or walking away from their mortgages. All I can say is, I hope this is not what the whole country has to look foreward to. Maybe the MSM and the Washington politicos are right & we have turned the corner and will be back to "happy days again" by the end of 2009. In the meantime hopefully Silverado will get things going and lay the groundwork for beginning production ASAP and take advantage of the imminent rise in the price of gold and all commodities including antimony most probably, as China has restricted all exports of antimony. The faithful longs will be rewarded for their patience. Silverado will be what Bre-Ex wasn't ! The Real Deal !!!!!!!!

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