Message: Silverado one of most under-valued stocks on the planet.


I agree with you, I to believe that the odds are very good Silverado will find $Billions of Gold-Antimony with further drilling, remember, the NI 43-101 says the 4 massive veins is still open at lenght and depth.

Like i said before, beware of wolves in sheep's clothing and beware of who you give power to, to control the chat board conversations.

Remember this, the shorts cannot and will not allow a chat board to run free without their 'Silver Tongue" bashers tip-toeing-in, to spread negative views, they have to much at stake to allow pro thoughts to be posted on any chat board that could break them financially, if investors are buying the stock.

They will often say they found info. that says this and that, negaitve news, but some how, they always for get to provide a link that comfirms the news they are quoting.

Beware of 'Silver Tougue' bashers, only the best will make it onto Agora chat boards because of the non-bashing rules.

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