Message: Re: Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Jun 24, 2009 01:31PM

Call your own broker and ask if you can still take possession of your Silverado stock certificte.

Early this Spring, I wanted to take possession of the remaning shares in my account for Silverado but my broker told me. I can no longer recieve a stock certificate for that company, I was shocked !

Bottom line. I sleep better at nights for following Jim Sinclair's advice, my Silverado stock certificate a long with other company shares I own are in my possession under lock and key !! I did this for my own insurance because of the financial meltdown which looks like it may get really ugle before we see a turn around. So I have one less financial investment security matter to worry about !!

Jun 24, 2009 01:57PM

Jun 24, 2009 02:20PM

Jun 24, 2009 02:25PM
Jun 25, 2009 09:28AM

Jun 25, 2009 09:38AM
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