Message: Why is there so much interest in Silverado Gold Mines & Green Fuel?

Why is there so much interest in Silverado Gold Mines & Green Fuel?

posted on Jun 24, 2009 12:00PM

If this were a Bre-X in Indonesia, where there was absolutely nothing there - President Suharto's family, former Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney, & U.S. Geo. Bush 1 all got sucked into this preposterous, outrageous scheme - we could understand!

However, respected international geologist Tom Bundzten has written a 205 page detailed report on the Nolan, shareholders have seen the gold/antimony veins with their own eyes, the 3 gold/antimony properties are on safe U.S. soil. The U.S. has also 250 -300 yrs. of low rank coal within it's borders & has potential to become more energy independent if the Gov'ts, both Federal & State would only open their eyes & face reality, especially with rising oil prices (will only get worse) Eventually private enterprise may come to the rescue because the gov'ts are submerged with their own debts & problems. We have the best technology re Silverado Green Fuel & the Chinese would dearly love to have it - afterall they are no dummies!

Again with Silverado trading under 2 cents, why is there so much interest? Obviously there must be something to it. This is no Bre-X! The gold & antimony will never disappear - it just remains to determine the full extent ofthe contents on the marvellous 12 sq.mile property of the Nolan.

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