Message: Re: Cookie and Fastfoot on Silverado board banned / Andreas
Jul 08, 2009 11:55AM

Hello Andreas,

Once again, you make Agora's point with no mixing of words, then do the right thing.

Since you know me as a HL on EDIG, and the many communications we have had due to this issue nearly destroying EDIG's forum, as a new investor in Silverado as of just yesterday mind you, my personal thank you to give Fastfoot and Cooky another opportunity to focus their energy on discussing the future of SLGLF, and leave the personal stuff and egos checked at the door.

I have found when a user is banned, and the remaining posters think it over for a few days, it usually results in second thougts and reinstatement. It also gives those who are allowed to return to regroup and move forward in a postive manner, which I feel they will do.

Thank you very much for the consistent way you handle these matters.


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