Message: Concerning vol etc

Concerning vol etc

posted on Jul 09, 2009 11:06AM

After reading the many posts about avg vol, charts, timing of trades and "new investors" I have a question.

At least once a year, companies will publish the number of share holders of record.

I.E. for EDIG:

June-08 was 2811 in street name held by a broker and about 26,000 certificates held.

June-09 was 2869 ditto and ditto.

There is no way to know the exact number of individuals these numbers make up, due to the fact that people can have multiple accounts held in street name and lets say one person has 100 certs @ 1000 shares each...get the picture? I hold EDIG in two accts as I do many other stocks. One is a brokerage acct and the other an IRA.

When I bought into SLGLF, where did the shares come from? From the shares in float is the answer, but did one person get out and I took his/her place or was it from multiple people to fill my orders (yes plural) or did someone with X shares sell a percentage of their holdings to me? Complicated huh?

It boils down to this....where can we find the number of shares in float and the number of holders in street name? Frankly, the cert holders is not that important in the overall scheme of things..or maybe it is...who knows?

In the case of EDIG, and BTW I am not hyping EDIG here in my few posts, but using it as a mathematical example to make my point. The 2811 vs 2869 June to June might mean 58 new holders who bought a portion of shares from 200 people, or some other combination? There is no way to tell, and I got these year by year numbers from EDIG's management.

Before we assume there are new people buying into SLGLF, the above "confusion" needs to be considered. Yes, I'm new as an owner, but does it have a significant meaning? Sorry to ramble, but if we get the shares in float and holders in street name year by year, and lets say, obtain 5-10 years of numbers to make a comparison, it might give us a better picture whether or not Silverado is attracting attention in the market place, or the shares are just trading hands between existing holders.

With ~1.3 Bin outstanding, 1st you have the employees, BOD, insiders etc with that number being a very large chunk, then all the rest of the individual holders.

After all this blah blah blah, I'd like to know the year by year numbers, but even if they can be found, it does not mean more investors have joined in, but current investors have accumulated from others who decided to hold less shares or split all together.

Again, with EDIG's year by year, and since I know about 50 posters in our forum who post they made buys today etc and on a some what regular basis, can mean a) the longs are confident in the future and remain accumulating, b) day traders are selling their shares to us or c) people are NOT confident and getting out to let guys like me buy them.

How many of you have a headache from my blabbing yet...I do just trying to make a point, which I have failed at, because I cannot make any conclusions.

None the less, if we can get the figures, we can try and determine what the trend is.

Sorry, just food for thought.

PS, too bad Agora does not have a red thumbs down button, as this post needs it...LOL!!

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