Message: I don't understand

Re: I don't understand-Tonto, Big Math Error

in response to by
posted on Aug 01, 2009 09:22AM


Your statement:

I don't understand the optimism. To have 0.01 revenue per share with $1000 gold, Silverado would have to produce about 8 ounces of gold per minute using a 16 hour day and 180 day year. Do you really think that can happen?

8 oz/min * 60 min/hr * 16 hrs/day * 180 days/yr * $1000/oz = $1,382,400,000/yr which is around $1/share, not 1 cent per share.

Just for example, if earnings were 30% of revenue, then on the above, we'd earn around $414,720,000/yr, or $0.29/share. At a P/E of 15, the shareprice wouuld be around $4.44 if we produced at that rate (1.38MM oz/yr).

If we produced at that rate with that revenue and earnings, I'd venture to say the company would buy back 2/3rds of the outstanding shares thereby tripling the SP to around $13.33.

Some one please check my logic and math...

Nice dream, that 8 oz/min!

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