Message: not knowing/fastfoot

Re: not knowing/fastfoot/Doe... Silverado managment look at this board - Garry A

posted on Aug 05, 2009 11:18PM

Garry Anselmo has far more important matters to attend to than watching all the speculation on Financial Forum Boards. Fortunately over the years he has risen above all the idle gossip & chatter. He has taken the high road & risen above most of the malicious, counter-productive mistruths posted about himself & the company. Not many people have the ability to do this especially for so long. For that matter not many companies have survived this long.,

Much has been made of Silverado not posting profits for decades. However, you can count on one hand the number of jr. gold mining companies that are currently in the position Silverado is, to move forward. This in large part is due to Garry keeping his eye on the road - instead of the deer , moose & bears roaming about in the bush.

Thanks Garry, to you & your staff, for your continued dedication!

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