Message: NO HARM - NO FOUL

Hey guys,

As I said in my post, this board does so much information gathering and discussing that I personally see absolutely nothing wrong with some fun and games even on the main Discussion Forum. I brought it up because there has been a lot of discussion about this issue in the Hub Leader's forum and also on my own hub as well. Some of the other boards appear to be mostly discussing off topic stuff all of the time. This is clearly not true on the Silverado Hub where important company-related issues are discussed nearly all of the time with an occasional foray into the fun and games territory. Investing in these penny stocks on the OTCBB and .V exchanges in sufficiently anxiety producing in of itself that this good mind doctor prescribes a healthy dose of some well-deserved levity as often as possible to keep our brains from exploding into little, bitty pieces. A condition which could actually lead to a number of serious complications including the reading of Raging Bull and Yahoo posts without swallowing a ton or more of both salt and valium at least two hours prior to surfing there.

All in good clean and hopefully soon to be extremely profitable fun.


Aug 23, 2009 06:13PM
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