Message: Best Line Of the PR

Now that the news out for the world to read, we now know that this huge massive Gold-Antimony vein is 3 miles long... and probable longer ? Solomon's Shear is 5 miles long.

My persoanl thoughts, for what its worth about a potential new problem we may face, a possible hostile take over of the company before the share price sky rockets. I've had a feeling for sometime that the naked shorting of Silverado could be part of a plan by one or several major gold mine companys, looking for potential take over targets. Hiring the help from brokerage houses to carry out their dirty work via naked short selling the stock to keep the price down. I also believe that a few of the bashers could be highered help to mine inside info. leaked to chat boards to give these gold mining companies a better idea what kind of developments the company could be working on.

So if the company is faced with a hostile take over, I now know the stock price could be worth a golden fortune $$$ offering me .50 or a $1.00 per share isn't going to make me sell my shares !!

Remember, during the 70s, Silverado stock price surged from .10 to $10.00 a share and according to most of the gold experts, which includes Jim Sinclair, the gold mining stocks are getting ready to exploded to the up side and Silverado will be aboard for the ride $$ Can you say.....

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$

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