posted on
Sep 03, 2009 02:55PM
Message: What??
Let me put it ths way. Before the release today, and based on the NI-43-101 report of 28% Sb and 0.408 TozAu/Ton and production of only 60 tpd* for 125 days/year, and 85% Sb recovery, 90% gold recovery, $2.25/lb Sb, $960/TozAu, and finally, cost of prodcution = 40% of value of Sb+Au removed and sold, the shareprice should be 15 cents/share at a P/E of 30.
Change just the antimony to the new average disclosed today (which is now 48.5%, or a 73% increase**), and recall the gold average concentration did not move an inch, still 0.408 Toz/Ton, then the calculation of SP for initial year's production increases from 15 cents/share to 23 cents/share. Not bad.
If you PM me and have MS Excel, I'll gladly send you the spreadsheet.
*This is a tiny rate assigned to Year 1 of prodcution, it'll go to at least 200 tpd in Year 2.
**Note: The antimony assay average of 48.5% does not necessarily mean the entire defined reserve will increase to that. On the other hand, I strongly feel the 28% average antimony will go up near to 48% once the balance of assays are in and Dr. Bundtzen re-runs his overall polygonal model.
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