Message: finally

I mentioned in my earlier post, that I expect to see the naked shorts put-up a battle to cap the price at .017 or at the 2 cent level. That is what happened yesterday and continues today. This is when one starts to buy more shares before the next leg up, to take advantage of the desperate shorts trying to make up their paper loses.

Allot of what we are seeing are the short sellers trying to cap the price at .021

Yesterday's action reflects that there was a battle by the naked shorts who can't afford to see the share price go any higher, they were shorting into the buying spree to help slow down the upward momentium to protect their naked short postions

We also see the shorts. brokerage houses, who bought allot of shares to make a little money on the upward momentum to try and make-up for some of their loses and caping the price at .021 by selling

This is why the shorts and naked shorts monitor the chat-boards looking for signals to buy shares to make some money while their majority position they can't afford to cover is in naked shorts and then there are the small time guys who short, day traders- flippers who are happy making small change on the small swings but the up-down momentum is very small so that is why the legal short postion have been small... untill yesterday and today.

As I said, these are the times one buys more shares for the long haul, taking advantage of the shorts desperate game; in the end they will make all of us very rich $

Here is a saying I keep above my desk, "Buy things of extraordinary value at a time when nobody else wants them. Then sell when people are willing to pay any price. "

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