Message: mburns is right about 1 thing

Re: mburns is right about 1 thing

posted on Dec 09, 2009 02:35PM

Results of the 2009 program are briefly summarized below:

1) Eight of the nine holes cut the Workman’s Bench, massive stibnite-gold-quartz, vein-fault in ‘A’ Zone.

2) Testing of A Zone in drill hole 09SH05 encountered massive stibnite 2.20 feet wide, the thickest stibnite intersection encountered during three years of drilling. Grades of up to 0.734 ounces/ton gold and 57.0 percent antimony were encountered in 2009 Workman’s Bench stibnite-gold-quartz intercepts.

3) Because all 2009 drill holes in Workman’s bench were designed to intercept a part of A-Zone not previously drill-tested, the season’s drilling should add significantly to the potential to increase gold and antimony resources on Workman’s Bench.

4) Ten of the eleven holes intercepted the ‘A Zone’ gold-antimony fault vein on Pringle Bench and thus confirmed the continuity of the Solomon Shear Zone gold-antimony fault vein system across Smith Creek, which bisects the Workman’s Bench and Pringle bench areas. Prior to 2009, mineralization could only be demonstrated to about 80 feet in depth on Pringle Bench. The 2009 drill data allows for projections to >200 foot depths of mineralized A Zone intercepts on Pringle Bench.

5) A Zone is confidently confirmed on both Workman’s and Pringle Bench, and can now be traced with confidence for a minimum strike length of 2,600 feet and remains open at both ends.

6) During this years and past drilling, Company geologists have recognized a potential for wider mineralized widths within the Solomon Shear Zone. Two drill holes, (09SH19 and 09SH20), were designed to test the existence of other gold-bearing structures that are oblique to A-Zone and other northeast-striking vein-fault structures within the several-mile-long, Solomon Shear Zone. Gold-bearing, quartz-carbonate veins were intersected in both drill holes that are oblique to the main, northeast-striking, quartz-stibnite-gold vein-faults.

7) During 2009, the company assembled selected mineralized sample intervals for Specific Gravity (SG) determinations and bulk samples for acid rock drainage studies (ARD) as part of the ongoing mineral development scoping investigations on their Nolan gold and antimony properties.

The QP will utilize the 2009 drill results to calculate new resource estimates on both Workman’s Bench and Pringle Bench and will report his findings when they have been completed. The Company will continue submitting additional infill core samples from previous years drill core for additional resource estimates. These new assay results and any associated resource estimates will also be disclosed upon receipt of the results.

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