Message: Tri-Con Mining Ltd & Silverado Gold Mines Ltd

Tri-Con Mining Ltd & Silverado Gold Mines Ltd

posted on Dec 23, 2009 09:27AM

Tri-Con Mining Ltd is a PRIVATELY owned company formed in 1968 as an exploration service company.

Silverado Gold Mines Ltd is a PUBLICALLY owned companyformed in 1973.

I urge you to review the recent 3rd quarter Edgar Public Filing for Silverado Gold Mines Ltd - Form 10Q released Oct. 15/09 for the quarter ending Aug 31/09. In this you will find that Tri-Con wrote off $600,000 owing it by Silverado Gold Mines.

Regarding the estimated $1B valuation figure I gave - I am certain that the value of the 3 main properties covering some 30 sq. miles in Alaska, the infrastructures in place, the cost of the drillng assessments to date etc. are worth a minimum of 1/2 to 1B dollars in to-days dollars. I am not a geologist or a mining expert rather a health professional, & can not give you an itemized list for all this. Nevertheless I am confident these figures are realistic.

Financing is indeed the key issue to move forward - we await - how much per yr, some suggest $10M - I am confidant if this figure or whatever figure is accurate, we will find a way to get it. Hope some of this helps you?

I have confidance Garry Anselmo will make the correct decisions to move forward in a positive fashion allowing production of both gold/antimony & profit for the faithful, long standing shareholders. What more can I say at this point?

All the Best - Fastfoot

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