Message: New to board!

Keep digging Golden 1, you'll find plenty of reading on this one. Myself and a few others have at one time or another, been invested in Silverado over the past 15 years. I can remember when Silverado was a $10 a share stock. Then, later on came the promise of a new addition to Silverado, called Green Fuel. They even had a big splash in the news with the Mississippi Governor and all of that jazz.

To make a long story short, when the Investors relations people at Silverado stopped returning our calls, and Tri-Con became more of an issue, and the Green Fuel lie was uncovered, everything just went down from there, and it does not look good for a recovery with nearly a "Billion" shares out, Silverado has gone from a producing company to an exploratory company.

Like I said, there is plenty to read about on this company, just not a lot to invest in unless you believe in the tooth fairy. Now I do believe in miracles, but this would really be a stretch of anyones imagination.

Continue to do your own DD and make your own decision on what is worth investing your money in. I worked my position to where I got out with a very small profit, once the lies were uncovered, but many of my friends lost serious money in this company, therein, buyer beware. Good Luck.

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