Message: Realities of Silverado History and Potential

Realities of Silverado History and Potential

posted on Jan 06, 2010 03:37PM

While some may wish to focus on relatively minor (IMO) issues such as late filings or not dotting I's and crossing T's, I prefer to focus on fundamentals.

For the umpteenth time, I suggest everyone invested in or interested in investing in Silverado read the NI-43-101 June, 2009 update and all press releases for 2007-2010.

Here are highlights:

Just a Few NI-43-101 Nolan Report Highlights:

1. Silverado from 1981 to 2007 performed the following work at Nolan.

· Drilled 89,405 feet of exploration holes (that is 17 miles!) consisting of RC drilling (for placer discovery) and rotary and core drilling (for load discovery).

· Took 16,298 samples (from above drilling work and from soil, rock chip, trenching and exploration drifts).

· Took 70.3 MILES of VLF/EM (very low frequency/electromagnetic) surveys (almost 3 square miles worth).

· The above excludes soil sampling as well as extensive airborne surveys by USBLM, data the company has integrated into their databases.

2. Silverado’s placer mining activities ranged from 1979 to 2007. In that period gold production was intermittent. Total production was 23,150 Toz of placer gold.

3. Lode Source work at the historic Nolan has been pioneered and exclusively executed by Silverado. Early work by others beginning in 1865 was exclusive to placer mining. Approximately 345,000 Toz of placer gold was mined in total history by everyone, including Silverado’s gold. Of that, 345,000 Toz grand total, 100,000 Toz was mined at Nolan by underground drift miners.

4. Since the placer comes from multiple lode sources and the load sources were not ever sought by anyone except Silverado, Silverado has and owns the only lode source exploration database in the world for Nolan’s lode sources.

5. Lode Source Data (just a tiny highlight of the total data):

· 1993 and 1994: 8 Lode Holes drilled and 411 assays

· 2003 and 2006: 6 Lode Holes drilled and 316 assays

· 2007 and 2008: 52 Lode Holes drilled and 1822 assays (over 16,152 feet of drill holes!).

· 2009 (approx): 20 Lode Holes drilled (unsure of total assays and drill feet this year, this data is not yet in an NI-43-101 report)

6. In 2002/2003, Silverado worked very hard to develop the Nolan Deep Channel Project. But this project failed due to unseasonable warm weather and live water in the mine. It became dangerous due to increased wall and roof instability and the project was halted. (Side Note: it was also during this time the bashing and articles of scam really ramped up).

7. Silverado utilized Tri-Con (a Silverado company) and American Artic Drilling in the period 1993-2008 for subcontract drilling services.

In addition to all of the above, as a company Silverado spent much time and resources developing Ester Dome and Eagle Creek. The company exploration databases on these properties as well as some limited success in mineral extraction (both gold and antimony) and sales add much to the company value and credibility. The company has 340,000 Toz (that’s $340 Million worth gross) of indicated and inferred gold on Ester Dome alone, and this is in the company’s NI-43-101 report posted on its website.

Historically, Eagle Creek was Alaska’s second largest antimony producer. In the late 1980’s, Silverado built a 100 tons per day (TPD) gravity plant and processed the old mine dumps, successfully selling all antimony produced.

From the website: “In addition to the high-grade gold bearing quartz veins found on Silverado’s large Eagle Creek property, the Company, in 2006, identified what appeared to be a gold mineralized pluton which is a granitic or igneous (fire formed) rock located on the claims above the placer gold Treasure Creek portion of the property. This may lead to the development of a significant gold deposit, and may make ideal feedstock for the Kinross Fort Knox mill nearby.”

For individuals to fear or accuse the company of being a scam and accuse the management of being incompetent is beyond comprehension to me.

The company has made tremendous progress, especially since pioneering the search for lode source of the historic placer deposits at Nolan and proving an economic and profitable mining plan, in just a few years, especially in this hostile market environment.

The technical competency and technical completeness of the Nolan NI-43-101 report is staggering. The amount of exploration data and project planning supporting the case for commercial deposits at Nolan is in itself a huge piece of the company’s intellectual property, holding an intrinsic value I could not hazard a guess on.

Finally and almost the most single important piece of the puzzle, Silverado’s Workman’s Bench deposit, a tiny piece of the area and the basis for the feasibility report of commercial viability has 42,414 tons of probable reserve grade minerals at 28% antimony and 0.408 Toz Au/ton which when combined, is the equivalent of 62.5 (sixty-two point five) grams gold per ton. Many if not most company’s today find major excitement in 10 gram gold per ton and some are bragging about 1.0 (one point zero) grams per ton.

Yes, I sleep quite well at night, just waiting patiently for financing and not worring myself to death about every "I" being dotted and every "T" being perfectly crossed.

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