Message: Andrea your assistance is requested, AGAIN

Andreas, it is very interesting that members like Koala & Mainman have been manipulated so that the "Control" remains in the hand but a few:

1) Koala -- points 3056 - rating 3.0

2) Mainman " 2119 - " 3.2

3) Fastfoot - " less than 400 ( after almost 2900 posts)- 5 posts removed yesterday for asking 2 simple questions re proof of Fed & State funding for Mississippi Green Fuel project. All in an attempt to control & futile attempt to humiliate.

4) Nomegnome - with all due respect has not posted since Sept 5 / 09 & therefore this creates an imbalance of power in the Hub Leader role - in essence 2 against 1!

New Rule # 1 appears to be blatantly being ignored.

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