Message: Analysis of Jan 7/10 Updated Mineral Resources on Workman's & Pringle Bench

Analysis of Jan 7/10 Updated Mineral Resources on Workman's & Pringle Bench

posted on Jan 08, 2010 08:53PM

Please refer to the area of drilling in this report by looking closely at the 2 lines indicating Workman's Bench & Pringle Bench on the Map diagram:

1.- 3 categories of reserves indicate 32,348 oz Gold.

At 90 % recovery, this becomes 29,113 oz Gold & at $1100/oz results in $32 M

2.- 3 categories of reserves indicate 19,395 tons Antimony.

At 85 % recovery, this becomes 16,486 tons Antimony or 33 M lb( 2,000lb/ton)

& at $3/lb. results in $99M

Total value for this area which is 3500 ' long & 400' deep = $131 MILLION

Now if we extrapolate this mineralization pattern over the 3 mile section where data has previously been obtained, we can project the following:

16,000 ft long & 8,000 ft deep (System typically runs "1/2 length in depth"), this would equate to $12 BILLION total value.

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