Message: Dr. Warrack G. Wilson, Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Demonstration Project

Dr. Warrack G. Wilson, Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Demonstration Project

posted on Jan 27, 2010 11:05PM

This was posted several years ago on Silverado's website. Dr. Wilson is in retirement but still under Silverado contract. JMHO, I'll bet Dr. Wilson would come out of retirement in a heart beat if Silverado lands a contract to build a Green Fuel plant, he would probable want to over see the project in a advisor position. The man has a very impressive Resume'

Silverado Green Fuel Inc.

Founder, Dr. Warrack G. Wilson
Developer , Alaska Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Demonstration Project


Technology Development and Demonstration: Develop integrated fuel conversion and/or utilization process systems based on fundamental characteristics of the feedstocks , products and byproducts .

Primary developer of low-rank coal-water fuel (LRCWF) production and utilization technology . Developed the moderate temperature/pressure aqueous phase hydrothermal treatment process that permanently reduces the inherent moisture content in low-rank coals while maintaining most of the volatile matter . Hydrothermal treatment enables the production of LRCWFs with solids contents rivaling those in bituminous coal-water fuels , while maintaining superior combustion characteristics . LRCWFs made from low sulfur low-rank coals are a non-hazardous , low cost alternative to oil for industrial and utility boiler owners . Cost analyses for a I MM tpy LRCWF plant in the Beluga , AK coal field on Cook Inlet , yield an FOB selling price of under $14 per bbl of LRCWF on a volumetric oil equivalent basis .


Development of joint venture projects to solve complex energy and environmental problems features a cradle to grave approach for clients ranging from private industry to government agencies from around the world . Development of a clean coal technology project typically includes; resource characterization and mine planning; optimization of coal preparation , conversion or utilization processes; integration of effluent treatment and emission controls; and development of a waste management program featuring byproduct utilization with zero discharge .


Developed a nominal $20 MM commercial demonstration proposal for LRCWF production and combustion testing in an oil-designed boiler . Worked with Arthur D . Little , Inc . managers and University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Mineral Industry Research Lab (MIRL) engineers to integrate the Alaskan LRCWF demonstration into an existing US DOE Clean Coal Technology Project that included demonstrating the use of LRCWF in a diesel engine . With project funding of nearly $48 MM in hand , UAF began construction of the diesel electric generating (DEG) facility , while CWFS and Great Northern Engineering (GBE) of Palmer , AK , completed design for the LRCWF production plant .


When UAF cost overruns of nearly 100% for the DEG facility threatened construction of the LRCWF plant , CWFS , MIRL & GNE sought and found a much lower cost alternative to a new UAF LRCWF plant , namely Silverado Gold Mines Inc . ’s Grant Mill plant . Since Silverado’s Grant Mill already contained nearly half the required process equipment , over six times the liquid storage capacity , buildings three times larger than the proposed UAF LRCWF plant and a staff trained in unit operations , the Grant LRCWF plant could be brought on-line at least 18 months ahead of a UAF plant with a cost savings of over $10 MM . Silverado agreed to form a team with CWFS , GNE and MIRL to seek nominally $10 MM from public and private sectors to convert the Grant Mill and begin commercial production of LRCWF .


Supervisory Chemical Engineering Rating , US Civil Service Commission , 1978

Ph . D . , Physical Chemistry , University of Wyoming , 1970

B . A . , Chemistry and Mathematics , University of Northern Colorado , 1965


2000- Joined Silverado Green Fuel , Inc . , formerly Silverado Gold Mines , Inc . , to lead conversion of the Silverado Grant Mill into the first commercial-scale LRCWF plant in the world and to market LRCWF and LRCWF production and utilization technology .

1994 - Founded Coal-Water Fuel Services - Formation of multi-disciplinary engineering teams from staff of associates to develop clean coal conversion and/or utilization joint venture projects using a cradle to grave approach . Specializing in conversion of LRCs (brown , lignitic and subbituminous coals) to LRCWFs as low cost , non-hazardous alternatives to expensive imported oil . Clients include; Ahmedabad Textile Industry Research Assoc . , Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority , Alaska Energy Authority , Alaska Science & Technology Foundation , Center for Coal Utilization Japan , Electric Power of Serbia , Energy Pacific Corp . , Heilongjiang Mining Institute , International Centre for Clean Energy and Environment , India , Usibelli Coal Mine , Inc . and Williams Technologies , Inc .

1989 - Principal Investigator - Alaska Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel (LRCWF) Demonstration Project: Develop commercial process economics for the preparation and utilization of LRCWF made from hydrothermally treated (HT) Alaskan LRC in a demonstration-scale facility . Assess LRCWF use in a medium speed diesel engine designed by Coltec Industries , in an oil-designed boiler and provide LRCWF for testing in a wide range of applications at potential end-user facilities around the world .

1983 - 93 Director , Fuels and Process Chemistry Research Institute , Energy & Environmental Research Center , University of North Dakota: Plan , staff , and direct research , technology development , and demonstration projects in fuels conversion and environmental control technologies . Process development included , low-rank coal-water fuel technology , hydrogen production , coal gasification and liquefaction , conversion chemistry , and wastewater treatment and reuse . Responsible for a research staff of over 40 and annual budgets in excess of $6 MM . Research projects ranged in size from small basic research to over $8 MM for a pilot-scale gasification demonstration . Clients included academia , industry , and state and federal governments from around the world .

1988 - 89 Visiting Professor , Coal Science & Technology , MIRL , UAF: Supervised two MS theses , taught graduate courses on coal conversion , and worked with the Alaskan coal industry in formulating a technology development program to make Alaskan coals more competitive in Asian markets

1978 - 83 Manager , Gasification and Liquefaction Branch , US Department of Energy , Grand Forks Energy Technology Center : Gasification featured operation of a 25-tpd slagging fixed-bed gasifier , for process development and environmental assessment , including pilot-scale wastewater treatment and reuse technologies . Liquefaction research in continuous process units was aimed at adapting processes for use with low-rank coals .

1976 - 78 Group Leader , Coal Chemical Development , Occidental Research Corp . , La Verne , CA: Responsible for development of gas quench and product recovery and upgrading systems for the Garrett , later Oxy Flash Coal-Pyrolysis Process .

1973 - 76 Research Engineer , Reactor Engineering Division , Engineering Technology Center , Experimental Station , EI DuPont de Nemours Co . , Wilmington , DE: Involved in the development of new routes to produce chemical feedstocks from non-petroleum carbonaceous feeds , principally low-rank coal .

1971 - 73 Research Scientist , Natural Resources Research Institute , University of Wyoming , Laramie WY : Participated in the development of a catalytic coal gasification process that was the predecessor of the Exxon Catalytic Gasification Process .


Alaska Miner’s Assoc . , Am . Chem . Soc . , Am . Inst . of Chem . Engrs , and Resource Development Council of Alaska

Award : US Dept . of Energy Superior Achievement Award; July 31 , 1982

Patent: “Continuous Process for Conversion of Coal” US Patent No , 4 , 337 , 142 , June 29 , 1982



* “Ash Characterization for Two Alaska Low-Rank Coals , ” Coal Preparation , Vol . 20 , pp . 161-178 , April , 1999 .

* “ Alaska Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel – Diesel Demonstration , Phase 2 – Construction , ” 23 rd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems , March 1998 .

* “Business Case for Development of an Alaskan Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Industry , ” prepared for the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation , Oct . 1997 .

* “Overview of Low-Rank Coal Drying . ” Coal Preparation , Vol . 18 , pp . 1-15 , April , 1997 .

* “Alaskan Coal Industry -- Sector Analysis , ” Alaska Science & Technology Foundation Report , March , 1996 .

* “Alaskan Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Demonstration Project ,” Phase 1 Final Report , Alaska Science and Technology Foundation , Project # 91-3-189 , October , 1995 .

* "Upgraded Low-Rank Coals (LRCs) - LRC-Water Fuels , " Preprints , 2nd , International Conference , Energy and Environment , Transitions in East Central Europe , Prague , Czech . Republic , Nov . 1994 .

* "COAL-WATER FUEL - Use of Low-Rank Coal Makes Sense , " Preprints , IEA-CLM Workshop `94 , Tskuba City , Japan , Oct . 1994 .

* "Binders for Producing Smokeless Fuel Briquettes from Coal Chars , " Preprints , International Briquetting Assoc . Conference , September , 1994 .

* “Changing Role of Low-Rank Coal in Energy Markets , ” NORM 94 , 49th Northwest Regional Meeting of ACS , June , 1994 .

* "Catalytic Gasification of Coal for the Production of Fuel Cell Feedstock , " Preprints , 10th World Hydrogen Energy Conference , June , 1994 .

* "Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel (LRCWF) - Commercial Demonstration , " Preprints , IEA 2nd International Conference on the Clean and Efficient Use of Coal and Lignite , Hong Kong , December , 1993 .

* "Coal-Water Fuels , a Clean Coal Solution for Eastern Europe , " Preprints , Power-Gen Europe `93 , International Conference , Paris , France , Oct . 1993 .

* "The Kovin Trial Dredge Mine , " Preprints , 12th International Conference on Slurry Handling and Pipeline Transport , HYDROTRANSPORT 12 , Brugge , Belgium , Sept . 1993 .

* "Coal-Water Fuels from Low-Rank Coals , " International Symposium on Coal Technology , Heilongjiang Mining Inst . , PRC , Aug . 1993 .

* "Advanced Power System Featuring a Closely Coupled Catalytic Gasification Carbonate Fuel Cell Plant , " Proceedings , 17th Biennial Low-Rank Fuels Symp . , May 1993 .

* "Impact of Fuel Properties on Advanced Power Systems - Cradle to Grave Approach , " Proceedings , 17th Biennial Low-Rank Fuels Symp . , May 1993 .

* "Opportunities of Coal-Water Fuel - New Fuel Form for the 1990s , " 44th Annual Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Society of Canada , Calgary , Alte . , Canada , May 1993 .

* "Substitution of Coal-Water Fuel for Oil - Derating Issues , " Focus on Alaska 's Coal 199 3 , pp . 59-66 , May 1993 .

* "Export Market Potential for Alaskan Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel , " Focus on Alaska 's Coal 1993 , pp . 66-72 May 1993 .

* "Use of North Dakota Lignite in Advanced Power Systems , " Jointly Sponsored Research Project , Babcock and Wilcox , R&D , and DOE , Dec . 1992 .

* "Use of Low-Rank Coals for Clean Low-Cost Power Generation , " Preprints , Ninth Korea-U . S . Workshop on Coal Utilization Technology , October 1992 .

* "Stability Problems of Dried Low-Rank Coals , " Preprints , Ninth Korea-U . S . Workshop on Coal Utilization Technology , October 1992 .

* "The Role of Coal-Water Fuels in an Energy Mix for the 1990's , " Opportunities for the Synfuels Industry - SynOps 92 , pp . 325-332 , Sept . 1992 .

* "Low-Rank Coal Drying Advances , " Coal , pp 24-27 , August 1992 .

* "Assessment of Low-Rank Coal (LRC) Drying Technologies , " COAL PREP 92 , American Mining Congress Coal Convention , May 1992 .

* "Coal-Water Fuels , " Energy and Environment: Transitions in Eastern Europe , Vol . II , pp . 381-394 , Prague , Czechoslovakia , April 1992 .

* "Upgrading Yugoslavian Lignite to Concentrated Coal-Water Fuels , " Energy and Environment: Transitions in Eastern Europe , Vol . II , pp . 354-363 , Prague , Czechoslovakia , April 1992 .

* "Dehydration of Alaska 's Low-Rank Coals by Hydrothermal Treatment , " Minerals & Metallurgical Processing , pp 41-47 , February 1992 .

* "Power Generation from an Alaskan Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel (LRCWF): Executive Summary Phase 1 Final Report , " Proceedings Eighth Korea-U . S . Joint Workshop on Coal Utilization Technology , Vol . I , pp . 55-70 , October 1991 , Seoul , Korea .

* "Characterization of Coal Products from High Temperature Processing of Usibelli Low-Rank Coal , " MIRL Report No . 92 , October 1991 .

* "Power Generation from an Alaskan Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel; Final Phase 1 Report , " Alaska Science and Technology Foundation (Grant No . 89-2-253) and DOE/EERC JSRP No . 7 . 18 of CA DE-FC21-86MC10637 , June 1991 .

* "Production and Utilization of Low-Rank Coal Water Fuel (LRCWF) , " Proceedings 16th International Conference on Coal & Slurry Technologies , pp . 309-320 , April 1991 .

* "Hydrogen Production from Low-Rank Coals - Char Properties and Reactivity , " J . Ind . & Eng . Chem . Research , Vol . 30 , No . 2 , pp . 303-312 , 1991 .

* "Recommendations for Disposable Gasification Catalysts to Optimize Integrated Gasifier/Fuel Cell Systems , " EERC Report to DOE and Energy Research Corporation , Danbury , CN , January 1991 .

* "Gasification of Ebonite for the Production of Fuel Grade Gas , " Proprietary Report to Eniricerche , Milan , Italy , July 1990 .

* " Great Plains Gasification Plant - Gasifier Optimization , " Non-Proprietary Final Report for U . S . DOE Contract No . DE-FC21-86M10637 , June 1990 .

* "System Approach for Hydrogen Production from Low-Rank Coals , " Topical Report of Work Performed Under U . S . DOE Contract No . DE-FC21-86M10637 , October 1989 .

* "Hydrogen Production from Low-Rank Coals - Continuous Process Unit Testing , " Topical Report Under U . S . DOE Contract No . DE-FC21-86M10637 , August 1989 .

* "Alaskan Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Development , " 15th Biennial Low-Rank Fuel Symposium , pp . 306-314 , May 1989 .

* "Mild Gasification Process , " 15th Biennial Low-Rank Fuel Symposium , pp . 465-478 , May 1989 .

* "Assessment of Low-Rank Coal (LRC) Drying Technologies , " Review prepared for Minnesota Power , March 1989 .

* "Production of Jet-Fuels from Coal-Derived Liquids -- Vol . VIII: Heteroatom Removal by Catalytic Processing , " AFWAL-TR-87-2042 , Aero Propulsion Lab , Wright-Patterson AFB , January 1989 .

* "Mild Gasification of Coal , " Proceedings 8th Annual Gasification and Gas Stream Cleanup Systems Contractors' Review , METC , May 1988 .

* "Hydrogen Production from Low-Rank Coals , " Technology Transfer - Penn State Cooperative Program in Coal Research , May 1988 .

* "Development of an Advanced , Continuous Mild Gasification Process for the Production of Co-products , Literature Survey , " DOE No . DE-AC21-87MC24267 , January 1988 .

* "Direct Liquefaction of Low-Rank Coals - Annual DOE technical Report , " Cooperative Agreement No . DE-FC21-86MC10637 , April 1987 .

* "Low Severity Coal Processing: The ChemCoal Process , " Fourth Korea/USA Workshop on Coal Utilization Technology; Seoul , Korea , October 1987 .

* "Rheology of Coal-Water Slurries at Elevated Temperatures for Gasification , " EPRI AP-5394 , August 1987 .

* "Low-Rank Coal Slurries for Gasification , " Fuel Processing Technology , 15 , pp . 172 , 1987 .

* "Feasibility of Producing Jet Fuel from Great Plains Gasification Plant By-products , " NTIS , PC A03/MF A101-OSTI , 1987 .

* "Low-Rank Coal-Water Slurries for Gasification: Phase 2 Analytic Studies , " EPRI AP-4905 , December 1986 .

* "Coal/Water Slurry Preparation , " Final Report , DOE/FE/60181-2125 Sept . 1986 .

* "Hydrothermal Treatment of Low-Rank Coals to Produce Concentrated Coal/Water Slurry , " Preprint 6th International Workshop on Coal-Liquid and Alternate Fuels Technology; Halifax , Nova Scotia , Canada , September 1986 .

* "Hydrothermal Preparation of Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Slurries , " Energy , Vol . 11 , No . 11/12 , pp . 1267-80 , 1986 .

* "ChemCoal Process Final Report: CPU Recycle Program with Indian Head Lignite , " DOE/FE/60181-2087 , July 1986 . *

* "Preparation of Hydrothermally Treated LRC/Water Fuel Slurries , " Chemical Engineering Communications , Vol . 44 , pp . 133-151 , June 1986 .

* "Low-Rank Coal Liquefaction Mechanisms , " Final Report , DOE/FE/60181-2085 , June 1986 .

* "Low-Rank Coal Liquefaction Solvent Effects , " Final Report , DOE/FE/60181-2086 , June 1986 .

* "Reduction Activities of Fe 2O 3/SiO 2 Catalysts with Hydrogen Sulfide and Hydrogen , " Fuel , Vol . 65 , pp . 780-785 , June 1986 .

* "Kinetics of Catalyzed Steam Gasification of Low-Rank Coals to Produce Hydrogen , " DOE/FE/60181-2034 , April 1986 .

* "Low-Rank Coal Slurries for Gasification , " First International Rolduc Symposium for Conversion Processes , Rolduc , The Netherlands , April 1986 .

* "Low-Rank Coal-Water Slurries for Gasification , " EPRI Report AP-4262 , November 1985 .

* "Water Quality Issues at Combined Cycle Coal Conversion Plants , " Water Quality Issues at Fossil Fuel Plants , ASCE , pp . 51-58 , October 1985 .

* "Gasification of Low-Rank Coals: Technology Status and Recent Research , " Second Korea-USA Workshop on Coal Utilization Technology , Seoul , Korea , October 1985 .

* "Production and Combustion of Hot-Water-Dried Lignite Slurries , " Seventh International Symposium on Coal Slurry Fuels Prep . and Utilization , May 1985 .

* "Pilot-Scale Treatment and Cooling Tower Reuse of Gasification Wastewater , Western Synfuels Symposium , April 1985 .

* "Pilot-Scale Treatment of Gasification Wastewater and Reuse in a Cooling Tower , " Proceedings , 1985 International Wastewater Convention , Melbourne , Australia , May 1985 .

* "Hydrothermal Preparation of LRC-Water Fuel Slurries , " Proceedings New Coal Technologies: Implications for Energy and Development Policies in Asia and the Pacific , April 1985 .

* "Preparation of Hot-Water-Dried LRC-Water Fuel Slurries , " Spring National AIChE Meeting , March 1985 .

* "Gasifier Wastewater Treatment: Phase I Cooling Tower Assessment , " Environmental Progress , Vol . 4 , no . 1 , pp . 33-38 , February 1985 .

* "H 2S Optimization for Lignite Liquefaction , " Fuel , Vol . 64 , pp . 128-130 , January 1985 .

* "Low-Rank Coal Slurry Enhancement by Hot-Water Drying , " Fourth Annual EPRI Contractors' Conference on Coal Gasification , October 1984 . *

* "Changes in Asphaltenes and Preasphaltenes with Reaction Conditions and Implication to Coal Structure , " Preprints , Fuel Div . , 188th National ACS Meeting , August 1984 .

* "Gasifier Wastewater Treatment: Phase I Cooling Tower Assessment , " Preprints , AIChE Summer National Meeting , August 1984 .

* "Use of Treated Gasification Wastewater in a Pilot Cooling Tower , " DOE/FE/60181-DCN 83-228-017-01 , December 1983 .

* "Hydrocracking of Diphenylmethane--Roles of H 2S and Pyrrhotite , " Fuel , Vol . 62 , pp . 1487-1491 , December 1983 .

* "Coal Liquefaction Solvents , " Fuel , Vol . 62 , pp . 799-805 , July 1983 .

* "Preliminary Assessment of the Use of Stripped Gas Liquor as Cooling Tower Makeup , " Third Biennial Wastewater Workshop , U . S . DOE METC , June 1983 .

* "Conclusions on Slagging Fixed-Bed Gasification of Lignite , " Twelfth Biennial Lignite Symposium Proceedings , Vol . I , pp . 149-223 , May 1983 .

* "Pilot Plant Wastewater Treatment Project Status at the UNDERC , " Twelfth Biennial Lignite Symposium Proceedings , Vol . I , pp . 696-735 , May 1983 .

* "Recent Advances in Catalysis of Lignite Liquefaction , " Twelfth Biennial Lignite Symposium Proceedings , Vol . II , pp . 696-735 , May 1983 .

* "Characterization of Products from Liquefaction of Low-Rank Coals with H 2 or Syngas , " Proceedings , PETC Conference on Characterization of Coal-Derived Material , May 1983 .

* "Homogeneous Catalysis of Lignite Liquefaction with Hydrogen Sulfide , "AIChE , Spring National Meeting , March 1983 .

* "Mechanical Problems in the Design of a Fixed-Bed Slagging Gasifier , " ASME , Energy-Sources Technology and Exhibition , February 1983 .

* Trip Report: Public Report of South Africa Gasification Facilities--August 1982 . DOE/FER , November 1982 .

* "Mechanism Leading to Process Improvements in Lignite Liquefaction Using CO and H 2 , " Fuel , Vol . 61 , pp . 925-38 , October 1982 .

* "The Liquefaction Behavior of an Australian Brown Coal in Comparison to that of Two U . S . Lignites , " DOE/GFETC/RI-82/2 (DE82021977) , September 1982 .

* "Comparison of MIBK and DIPE Solvent Extraction on the Activated Sludge Treatment of Coal Gasification Wastewater , " Preprints , AIChE , August 1982 .

* "Low-Rank Coal Liquefaction Employing H 2S as a Homogeneous Catalyst , " Science and Technology of Synfuels: I . , March 1982 .

* "Slagging Fixed-Bed Gasification--Viscosity of Low-Rank Coal Slags , " Proceedings , METC Gasification Modeling Workshop , January 1982 .

* "Effects of Bottoms Recycle and H 2S Addition on Direct Liquefaction of Low-Rank Coals , " Proceedings , Basic Coal Science Workshop , pp . 255-275 , December 1981 .

* "Environmental Research Program for Slagging Fixed-Bed Coal Gasification , " Status Report , ANL/SER-1 , November 1981 .

* "Utilization of Powdered Activated Carbon , Activated Sludge Process in Treating Coal Gasification Wastewaters , " Preprint , AIChE , August 1981 .

* "Slagging Fixed-Bed Gasification of Lignite , " Proceedings Eleventh Biennial Lignite Symposium , pp . 627-667 , June 1981 .

* "Comparison of Liquefaction Yields for Big Brown , Texas Lignite and North Dakota Lignites , " Proceedings Eleventh Biennial Lignite Symposium , pp . 708-732 , June 1981 .

* "Effect of Reducing Gas Composition and Moisture on Product Yield and Quality and Unit Operability for Low-Rank Coal Liquefaction , " Proceedings , Low-Rank Coal Technology Development , pp . 6 . 23-6 . 35 , 1981 .

* "Assessment of Activated Sludge Process in Treating Solvent Extracted Coal Gasification Wastewater , " Preprint , 13th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference , June 1981 .

* "Activated Sludge Treatment of Diluted Slagging Fixed-Bed Coal Gasification Wastewaters , " Preprint , Div . of Ind . & Eng . Chem . , ACS , March 1981 .

* "Hydrogen-Carbon Monoxide Reactions in Low-Rank Coal Liquefaction , " Preprint , Div . of Fuel Chem . , American Chemical Society , March 1981 .

* "Preliminary Screening for the Biological Treatability of Coal Gasification Wastewaters , " Preprints , University of Waterloo Wastewater Conference , London , Ontario , June 1980 .

* "Slagging Fixed-Bed Gasifier (SFBG) Wastewater Pretreatment: Processing Needs and Methodology for Wastewaters from the Conversion of Coal , Oil , Shale , and Biomass to Synfuels , " DOE/EV-0081 , May 1980 .

* "Characterization of Light Oils from Liquefaction of Lignite , " Preprint Div . of Fuel Chem . , American Chemical Society , March 1980 .

* "Application of Liquefaction Processes to Low-Rank Coals , " Ind . Eng . Chem . Prod . Res . Dev . , V 18 , No . 4 , p . 297-310 , 1979 .

* "Characterization of Flash Pyrolysis Tar , " 23rd LERC Symposium , July 1977 .

* "Alkali Carbonate and Nickel Catalysis of Coal Steam Gasification , " Adv . in Chem . Series 154 , Coal Gasification , 1974 .

* "Conversion of Organic Waste to Fuel Gas , " J . Environ . Eng . Div . , June 1974 .

* "The Direct Production of Hydrocarbons from Coal-Steam Systems , " R&D Report No . 80 , Final Report--Office of Coal Research , NO-14-01-0001-1196 , November 1973 .

* "Tetrahedral Methane Without 2S-2P Promotion and Hybridization: Direct Calculation of the Effects of Promotion and Hybridization in CH 4 , NH 3 , H 2O , and H 2S , " J . Chem . Phys . , September 15 , 1973 .
* "Catalysts for Synthetic Fuels Production: Preparation and Properties , " Reprints , Div . of Fuel Chem . , ACS , 16 , No .

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