Message: Silverado Gold Mines - an amazing story!

Silverado Gold Mines - an amazing story!

posted on Mar 11, 2010 09:06PM

an amazing story of patience, timing & perserverance - glad many have been picking up more shares. I know of no key people throwing in the towel -- quite the reverse, namely that key smart people have been adding to their holdings.

IMHO I predict that Silverado will blow the socks off more than a few people - the price is ridiculous & soon those of us who have stayed the course will be laughing loudly. The Nolan property will make more than a few millionaires. At this price what does one have to loose? NOTHING, but everything to GAIN. The gold/antimony are there & so are we!

Looking forward to the next chapter in this amazing saga.

Perhaps we could make a movie from all this -

(Amazing Spider-man or Fastfoot - haha!)

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