Message: Silverado Word Of The Day: Persistence

You are right. We were all wrong - even Grim. However, Grim was right in knowing that the process of financing, especially to-day, is extremely complex with all sorts of combinations & permutations, arguments & settlements everywhere, lawyers approving this & that - the endless need to keep both sides happy - being fair to both sides & not abusing each other etc.

You have been a stalwart warrior for so long my friend - we have no place to go but up from here. We are not going to walk away empty handed. As 3x10e6 has stated - PERSISTANCE - needed a little longer. I know, I know, everyone is saying WHEN, WHEN, WHEN? No one really knows but I feel Tom Bundzten knows the potential here - so do a lot of others - that why the bashers continue to knit pick like a bunch of VULTURES - questioning everything from signatures, dates of annual meeting etc - why do they waste their time & energy. Some claim to have sold out altogether - yet they still bash - must have a hidden agenda & be getting paid by some very unscrupulous people. Time they got a life!

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