Message: HIGHLIGHTS of Silverado's Nolan Creek Project Update - April 2010

HIGHLIGHTS of Silverado's Nolan Creek Project Update - April 2010

posted on Apr 26, 2010 07:57PM

Garry Anselmo, a seasoned veteran, has been involved with geology & geochemistry for almost 1/2 a century & has been the President & Chief Operating Officer of Silverado since 1973. The 12 sq. mile Nolan property was acquired over a period of 14 yrs. The figures discussed in this report represent a very small area of the Soloman Shear Zone, namely WORKMAN'S BENCH (see Green Box on Page 13) - the probable and indicated reserves of 54,341 tons shows an average grade of 26.40% Antimony (Sb) & .37% oz/short ton of Gold (Au).

In analyzing any drill results, it should be noted that:
1) 90 % of the gold will be found in 10% of the total area explored
2) 10 " " " " " " " " 90 " " " " " " .

The combined Probable Reserve & Indicated Resource Metal Values for this small area are stated on Page # 2:
1) Antimony - $73,313,000 (based on a price of $3/lb - currently it is about $4/lb)
2) Gold - $20,852,000 ( " " " " " $1150/oz)
Costs $21,780,400
Profit $72,384,600
The gold & antimony are extremely pure high grade. In fact the Antimony here could be the purest in the world. The Gold Grade is expected to rise as we go deeper.

PRINGLE BENCH drill results are listed on Pages 14 & 15 - plan view & side view - note the legend in the side view showing the footage, Gold/Antimony independent values. These value are also impressive - Gold varying from .13 to 5.22 oz/ton.

The HILLSIDE ZONE adjacent to Pringle Bench has had geochemical & geophysical surveys indicating a 500 - 1,000 foot wide gold & antimony rich shear zone extending over 3,000 feet long. This zone has yet to be drilled but is thought to be the LODE SOURCE of the Placer Gold from ancient river channels that cut across the Soloman Shear Zone.

Then there is the SADDLE PROSPECT - showing a 2,600 ft. Antimony Soil Anomaly (P. 13) & a gold -antimony system in line with the Soloman Shear Zone - yielding 28.1% Antimony & .24 oz/ton Gold - more than a coincidence here - we just have to connect these two rich areas & connect the dots! The systems are like the branches in a tree & are 93 -97 % solid.

Major Points to Consider:

  • The ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES (Page # 3) on the Nolan appear to not present a problem fortunately. We appreciate Garry Anselmo's expertise in this area.
  • Dry Mine: test holes conducted by a drilling rig have yielded dry holes so far, indicating dry mining which is very favorable.
  • Regarding Metallurgy: Test work yielded 85% antimony sulfide (stibnite) & 90% native gold recoveries using only gravity & water. Rod mills would be used to minimize sliming of the stibnite;
  • Holman-Wilfley Tables would separate constituents; slime tables can separate stibnite slimes from course sand product & Falcon Concentrators would create a high grade slime product. Gold bars would be poured from the gold split off of the primary & secondary tables.
  • The Waste Water appears to be near neutral (background water tests were completed over a 1 yr. period & ranged in pH from 6.0 - 7.0 or neutral). A simple water neutralization plant would be used prior to the 3 existing settling ponds. Water is lost to evaporation. Thus, high recoveries of clean products may be realized without the use of hazardous chemicals while controlling pH to a desirable range with relative ease. The environment should be well protected.
  • Tailings & 30% Mine Waste Rock: these materials would be disposed of in lined pits interspersed with limestone to maintain an approximately neutral pH in the near neutral material which originates in a high quartz-carbonate environment. We should be able to produce high grade products in a low cost, environmentally safe manner.
  • The existence of carbonate both in the veins & strata, coupled with sound management practices, should help reduce the potential effects of Acid Rock Drainage on the Nolan lode property. The addition of the limestone would help maintain the neutral environment & once a waste pit is fully utilized it would be covered with the prior removed & stock piled natural flora which has proven in the past to create acceptable, 7 approved reclaimed areas from open cut placer mining on the property.

Silverado's other properties offer great promise as well:
1) Ester Dome having inferred & indicated resources of GOLD far greater than the Nolan
2) Eagle Creek also offering gold/antimony potential

Now all we need is to secure FINANCING to proceed with the 2010 drilling program on this magnificent property! We've only barely scratched the surface & once we can expand & go deeper IMHO - "The Best is yet to Come!"

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