Message: Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) - Clarification of Silverado Status

Fastfoot you are exactly right.

Silverado is following the rules of the mining industry. If a company has a hole in the ground (i.e. a mineshaft or a decline tunnel) it is either ACTIVE or ABANDONED.

If ACTIVE with miners going in & out of the hole, inspectors are required to check on things.

If ABANDONED or inactive, with the hole sealed & no workers or anyone for that matter allowed in, then no inspectors are required.

Silverado has 2 holes - one on the Nolan & one on Ester Dome - both are sealed & thus classified as ABANDONED. They are also sealed for safety reasons. All the claims on these properties are in good standing.

In conclusion, just because these holes are classified as abandoned, this doesn't mean the project & plans for 2010 are abandoned. Quite the opposite - when financing is concluded this status, especially on the Nolan will be quickly reversed!

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