Message: What If Doug Casey Is Right?

He is not only right, but might be underestimating the problem (s). Geopolitical unrest in the Middle East, Rioting in Bangkok, Greece, Escalating problems and continued unrest in the Gulf Region, attempted terrorist attacks here in the United States along with record underemployment rates and home forclosures, 1 in 4 people in U.S. now on some form of assistance and/or Food Stamps, Stock Market turmoil disintegrating 401K and Retirement accounts, continued Bank Closings possibly in record amounts, day to day media coverage of corruption in politics, Wall Street, and big business, loss of jobs going overseas, Bankrupt State Governments, Immigration etc. etc. etc. That should be enough reason to own gold (and silver) especially in bullion and coin. Paper gold may not be all its cooked up to be. Who knows if its all there.

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