Message: Re: Meeting of Silverado Wise Guys - Silverado Green Fuel
Jun 25, 2010 06:02PM

Silverado Green Fuel could solve a lot of problems for America. Too bad the're not some wise guys in Washington. The Chinese could sure use our superior technology - they have the money & the incentive to improve things - don't waste a lot of time talking either. Non-hazardous, non-inflammable, non- corrosive, easily transportable - no threat to the environment if a ship cracked in 1/2 or a land pipe burst - - sure a stark contrast to oil. Cheap too - a fraction of the cost. Maybe we could bring our troops home too - 9 yrs of useless fighting! What have we really gained? Lost a lot of lives - good men & women. Thought Iraq was supposed to pay for this war with their oil - what a joke! It's impossible to enforce our culture on other countries - just look at the way women are treated over there (another sad subject) - some things will never change - Israel is another hotbed - it goes on infinitem.

Can you imagine not having to cozy up to the Mid East , Venezuela, Africa etc for oil & giving more employment to our own worthy hard working citizens? Independence is possible if we could get politics out of the way - a real stumbling block as the government continue to step too far into the lives of private business & private citizens - soon they will tax almost everything in order to make up for their reckless spending & overwhelming DEBT - it can't continue or rioting & violence will occur.

Jun 26, 2010 08:21PM
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